About us
KOVIS Transport d.o.o. was founded in 2008 with its headquarter in Štore. Our main activities are transport services and related logistics. We offer mass transportation throughout Europe and the countries of the former Yugoslavia.
The main task of the company is to carry out qualitativ and reliable transportation of goods on a national and international level.
Vehicle fleet
We offer a modern and environmentally friendly vehicle fleet. All vehicles are equipped with a tracking, communication and navigation system.
The company’s fleet consists of 6 trucks model Scania, Mercedes Benz and Man.
Details of the company
Company ID card
Company: KOVIS Transporti d.o.o.
Location: Železarska cesta 3, 3220 Štore
Phone: +386 3 780 56 12
E-mail: luka.vidmar@kl.kovis-group.com
Tax number: SI51912279
Registration number: 3309444000
Bank account:
IBAN SI56 0294 5026 1703 607 (NLB d.d.)
IBAN SI56 0443 0000 1452 689 (NOVA KBM d.d.)
IBAN SI56 1010 0005 0871 936 (Banka Intesa Sanpaolo d.d.)
IBAN SI56 0311 8100 0733 280 (SKB d.d.)