Santa Claus visited the children of our employees

On Tuesday, December 17, 2019 the children of our employees were visited by the Snow Fairy, the dwarf Rado and Santa Claus.

December – a month in which the days are magical with Christmas spirit. For a child to experience all of this in one afternoon, the KU-KUC Theater invited to their show in the Brežice Youth Center. In the multipurpose hall, 55 children aged 0 to 10, together with their parents, enjoyed the educational holiday story “The Snow Fairy and the Magic Words”. At some points in the performance, both the children and adults, held their breath. This modern Christmas story was full of surprises, educational and entertaining.

Finally Santa Claus was called, for whom everyone had been waiting eagerly. Santa came and the children’s eyes began to sparkle. He called each of the children by name, gave him a gift and immortalized the memory with a photo.